September 22nd, 2016

Post #4: On the road

I haven’t been this relieved in a long time. After 20 hours of lessons, I have finally completed my Driver’s Education. Though 20 hours may not seem like a long time, when you spread it out over 3 months it can feel like forever. That being said, I was very lucky and my instructor was fantastic. She was a sweet and trustworthy older lady, with a very thick accent, who always made me feel safe and comfortable. She was with me the first time I was ever behind the wheel, and almost everything I know about driving is thanks to her. I should also add in that before this experience, I was terrified. I never wanted to learn how to drive, I hopelessly wished that I could just fly everywhere. To anyone who is sceptical and nervous about driving let me tell you, if I can learn, you can. Next stop, passing my Driver’s Road Test. We’ll see when that happens, I think I might practice a little longer first.


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